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There are several important, in fact, essential elements that can help on the grief journey.  We need CONNECTION and SUPPORT.   The following organizations and publications have been helpful to me and some of the people in my circle of friends and fellow travelers.


Eluna Network    “The mission of Eluna is to support children and families impacted by grief or addiction. Our innovative resources and programs address the critical needs of children experiencing powerful, overwhelming and often confusing emotions associated with the death of someone close to them or substance abuse in their family. No child should have to face these struggles alone, and our unique programs bring kids together to ease their pain and provide the tools to help restore hope.”


National Alliance of Children’s Grief  “If you are supporting a child who is grieving, we are here to connect you to resources and local support. The alliance is a national organization of professionals dedicated to supporting children and the networks and communities surrounding them.”




I’ve had MANY cups of tea reading these insightful books:

Being Mortal-   Atul Gawande

When Breath Becomes Air-  Paul Kalanithi

Between Two Kingdoms-  Suleika Jaouad

The Grieving Brain-  Mary-Frances O’Connor

A Heart That Works-  Rob Delaney


Love from,

Terry Murphy

Founder & Chief Enthusiast

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